Thursday 22 April 2010


Today has been tough, Ive had to overcome some fears, Ive had to see the past and remember some moments that meant a lot to me. Although it was hard seeing a place I haven't seen for numerous years and rekindling the memories that went with, I'm really glad I did.

Life is an emotional roller coaster. There's the up's and the down's but you always have the beginning to remember. Loosing someone is hard and everyone will go though it but eventually you come to terms with what you have lost. Seeing places you went and things you did can be hard and remembering actually how much you miss that person.

So R.I.P love you for always

Sunday 11 April 2010

Omg Its the 11th today, So it was the 9th 2 days ago!!

Right, Soo if you didnt see my other post: Then maybe you might not get what im on about, but basically it was a day when we had no school and a few urrm crude, personal jokes were made involving the date 9th! so just thought I would post x

Saturday 10 April 2010

Things I well and truely cant stand!

Right, I thought that because I gave you a little insight about what I love, Im gunna tell you what I detest! (note I dont use the word HATE - Hate is a strong word that I dont like!)

Here We Go!:

The fact that Gordon Brown is Scottish!
Big ass Tree's, in which only half the tree is leaf and there is a big ass branch left to waste!
Words that sound the same but have different spellings e.g. Hear-Here, Place-plaice, Piece-Peace, Ireland-Island, Bare-Bear!
That there is NO reason behind why the Sky is Blue!
The whole 'what came first: The Chicken or The Egg' thing (Neither God came first)!
People that dont eat cheese, Or Vegans in general!
Not having a Camera/Video when something funny happens!
Not having a Camera when a good photo opportunity arises!
Having plain bedroom walls!
Arrogant people!
Going out of your way to please everyone else/ doing things anyone asks and no one ever does anything for you!
David Tennant Regenerating!
People talking over me!

sooo I will add more if I think of it! x